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I´m Inara (Austria) at Goodreads and decided it wouldn´t hurt to have a back-up booksite - just in case...

Acupressure´s Potent Points by Michael Reed Gach

Acupressure's Potent Points: A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments - Michael Reed Gach

("Heilende Punkte: Akupressur zur Selbstbehandlung von Krankheiten" - German Edition)


Acupressure is an old chinese method of treatment where you use your fingers to stimulate certain points on your skin whereby the self-healing powers of your body are activated. The books starts with general instructions and explains how to use acupressure, its possibilities and limits. The symptoms and disorders are listed alphabetically and the points are described on the basis of photos and graphics sometimes complemented by prophylactic exercises. It´s a very recommendable book for self-treatment but in my opinion the quality of the photos could be better. I think it is a bit difficult to locate the right points although I have no problems with that maybe because I attended several courses about acupressure. Otherwise I´m not so sure I could find them so easily only with the help of a book.